So yeah, I realized it’s been months since I’ve written something that was my actual words. Songs, blogs, sermons, books. Everything is speaking to me right now and the theme is singular. Does God work that way in your life too, Internet?
Anywhosiewhatsits, it’s time to lighten up. For a bit. Name that movie: “Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion.”
Anyone? Bueller?
I saw some mommy-blog the other day had this tag line under her blog title:
“We can’t both look good; it’s either me or the house.”
Hee hee. I had a wise person recently suggest that I ask my man what his base line needs were around our teensy home. If I could only manage to get one or two housekeeping things done, what would they be?
His answer was so freeing: Dishes done and meals on time…since the first will prevent fruit flies (oops) and the second is important to good family time. I can do that! I can do that!
Actually, I’ve been doing that pretty well. Except for the dishes. But dinners have been fairly routine. It’s just that I’ve been stressing over all these other things that turns out don’t even matter to the guy. Well, they do, but they’re not worth stressing over, even in his estimation.
I’m turning 30 this weekend. Did I tell you that, Internet? I thought I’d have so many more things figured out when I was “in my thirties.” Oh well. I’m realizing I’m in good company. Lots of adults don’t feel like one. Whew.
I always have a stream of words going on in my head. This is not always a good thing. But tonight it’s from You’ve Got Mail. “I don’t really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void.”
I’m such a sap.
Steel Magnolia’s!!