You can build a Haunted Birdhouse at Lowe’s Build and Grow Workshop this Saturday. Register here.
October is Walktober. October typically lends itself to mild temperatures – perfect to encourage the whole family to get moving. You can register online with Sedgwick County Health Department’s wellness platform – plus track your daily walking minutes.
And a quick plug for the Wichita YMCA: If you refer a friend in October and they join the Y, their joiner fee will be waived. Plus you will get your membership free in November. Everyone gets healthy and saves.
Saturday is Star Wars Reads Day.
To celebrate, Alford Branch will be having crafts, games and activities for ages 2-12 on Saturday from 10:30-noon.
Also, for Watermark’s 10:30 Storytime this Saturday, come dressed as your favorite Star Wars character. There will be games, a costume contest, and prizes.
Still on Saturday, from 2 – 4, Watermark will have 10 authors in house for signings for their Local Literary Festival.
(Are you a fan of Eat Pray Love or this TED talk? Elizabeth Gilbert will be in Wichita on Monday the 12th. The event costs, but the registration includes a copy of her new book.)
On Sunday, Wichita Parks and Rec is hosting their Free Come Fly a Kite event. It will be from 2:00-5:00 in Chapin Park (behind Starlite Drive-In). Bring your own kite, buy one there, or just show up and watch Stunt-Kite Fliers do their feats. There will be crafts for kids and prize drawings.
Createspace will be at Alford on Sunday the 11th from 2:30-3:30. Enjoy LEGOs, activities, and challenges for ages 5-12.
You can make a craft based on the book Ten Apples Up on Top on Saturday from 1-5 at Angelou Branch.
Find out what architects need to know on Saturday at Evergreen, as you use gum drops to make a bridge. Event from 2:30-3:30 for ages 7-10.
On Tuesday the 8th, come for a puppet show at Westlink from 6:30-7:00.
Have a great weekend! May the force be with you.