Have you heard about the Say Yes! Pass? If you missed the launch party on Monday, no fear. We just signed up yesterday at the Wichita Transit Station and it took maybe 8 minutes for our boys to get sweet photo cards for free rides on the bus, free entry to any public pool, and other great stuff. Love that our city is investing in our kids. (Thanks Wichita on the Cheap for the details on this!)
Speaking of our city, have you joined in at Riverfest yet? Today and tomorrow, June 8th and 9th, are the final days. But the activities are still in full force. Plus, free fireworks show tonight and Saturday night. Bring the lawn chairs and enjoy!
Next, don’t forget tomorrow, June 9th, is 2nd Saturday. Be sure to check out all your favorite shops on Douglas and get 15% off. Plus The Workroom will be hosting their 2nd Saturday Market with live music, food trucks, and local vendors.
Speaking of saving, the Lincoln Heights Village is hosting an ice cream social tomorrow from 1-3 pm. Watermark will be continuing their Sidewalk Sale while you eat. Take advantage of their $1 super sale, $3 paperbacks, and $5 hardback books!
How about the Library Summer Reading program?
The theme this year is Libraries Rock, and every kid 18 and under can receive prizes for every 10 days they read books or participate in activities. And check out other upcoming activities the library offers here. Love the library. (The new downtown branch is opening soon!)
Bradley Fair is featuring their free, outdoor Summer Concert Series again this year. Bring your chairs and hear to Taps Mugadza near the lake on Thursday, June 14th from 7:30 – 9:30.
Yoga on the Lawn is going strong at the Wichita Art Museum. Join in for a free stretch and strengthen workout tomorrow, June 9th, at 9:00.
I’m sure I’ve missed stuff, but it’s been awhile. Smile. Hope you have a wonderful weekend loving the people in your life!