Do you know about Opera Academy of the Midwest?
Come tonight, August 18th, at 6 pm for the 40th Anniversary Screening of Taxi Driver at The Orpheum.
Enjoy a night of Food Trucks at the Fountain Friday, August 19th, at the Waterwalk beginning at 5:00.
Heard about Wingapalooza? This Saturday the 20th at Intrust Arena you can enjoy a wing taste-off with Wichita-area restaurants and chefs. Buy advanced tickets here.
Jeffrey Toobin with Watermark Books will have a reading and signing at Abode Venue. Doors open at 5:00 this Monday, August 22nd.
Tour the Art Garden this Saturday at 10:00 am at the Wichita Art Museum.
Catch an End of Summer Party at Mid-America All Indian Center this Saturday the 20th. From 1-3 enjoy discounted admission to the museum (kids 12 and under are free), crafts and activities for all ages. (Thanks WOTC!)
Get your tickets for Johnson’s Garden Iron Chile Head Festival this Saturday the 20th. Enjoy local craft beer, food trucks, and an opportunity to take home fresh roasted hatch green chiles.
Catch The Feast: A Monthly Poetry Gathering this Saturday at City Arts. From 1-3 this Saturday the 20th hear poetry from Laura Madeline Wiseman and Lee Ann Roripaugh.
Are you remembering the Old Town Farmers Market? Every Saturday morning.
Wanna work at Botanica? They’re hiring for the Garden Cafe.
See what’s new this week at the Library, including a Voter Registration Drive this Saturday at Rockwell from 2-5.
Have a great weekend!