We have a variety of political and opinion differences represented.
I like to think of myself as the mediator.
Anyway, often the worst of the news headlines come out in conversation. It is always depressing. If it involves children or disaster, my heart always sinks.
This particular Tuesday I specifically asked who had any good news. (That was a lot of italics.)
No one did.
Then one of my students proceeded to tell all the depressing.
That’s when Judith piped up.
“I will look for you and bring you something positive on Thursday.”
And she did.
Can you believe this?
She looked through the past four days’ worth of newspapers and made me this. It was several pages long. And very encouraging.
I mean, I don’t think I even read it all.
But what was encouraging was she went out of her way to do this kind act for me.
And she didn’t expect anything in return.
I was grateful.