This is bittersweet.
We long for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done here on earth. We also know that is a limited desire until He makes all things new.
Still we do our part. We roll up our sleeves and get on our knees – both – to join Him in advancement. We do this because He came. Right into our division and disillusionment. And He’s still showing up in those very places.
Both my personal verses this morning and the ones I read with our boys referenced His words abiding. Remaining in Him, eyes locked on heaven, Words of Life in our minds and hearts and on our tongues yielding powerful prayers. Prayers that are guaranteed to move Heaven. Not because we can somehow manipulate Him to action, but because they are His very will. We are agreeing with Him, changing to be more like Him.
We know God longs for peace and dignity and joy and truth and justice and redemption and life to prevail. Let’s pray those things and live those things. Let’s celebrate and wait. Work and pray. Long and act.
Because He came once and He’s coming again.