The other day he goes, “Caden you wanna help me plant some flowers for momma?”
So today we went to the store and picked out a whole bunch of fun-colored flowers and some pots and went to town. I didn’t even think I would care. But I love it! We got enough for 3 pots and they add color to the front, back and side of the house. (I also love we can have some “house fun” without actually owning a house.)
Another thing that makes me happy right now?
Pop-Ice. I stinking love those things.
Our garden is looking good too:
We’ve got corn, tomatoes and green beans on our side. I love going outside, picking something and eating it for dinner later that night.
It feels so…homestead-y. That’s me, though. Ma Ingalls.
I love summer. Dan has a couple part-time work options for this year, which will help provide structure (and sanity) for our family during his off months. But I also envision lots of swimming, cook-outs, neighbor chats, sidewalk chalk drawings, movies at the cheap theater, sno cones, fresh fruit and exploring areas/restaurants/stores in our city we’ve never been to. Happiness. Our last hurrah as a family of 3!