In some ways I cannot wait.
In some ways, I’m a leetle nervous.
You may have seen some of these calendars on Pinterest to help you theme your days…instead of endless stretches of nothingness. Which can lead to bickering. The boys can be rough, too.
Here is our rough draft for the summer:
Make Something Monday: Recipe, craft, build something, science project
Trip Tuesday: Library, Museums, Art Camp, Park, Cheap Theater
Wet Wednesday: Swim, Water Balloons, Water guns
Thoughtful Thursday: Write letters, make cookies, serve people
Fun Friday: Pinterest ideas, Play dates, H2O Days at the Zoo
Other stuff for our family:
Summer reading program
Homemade ice cream
Dry clothes in the sunshine
Picnics and cook outs
Camping with friends
Farmers’ Markets and Gardening
Eat at When Pigs Fly BBQ… Heard it’s amazing
Dan’s Graduation Party (wanna come? bring food)
Practice, practice, practice reading and writing
Watch fireflies on the patio
Time with extended family
Jump rope
T-ball and Baseball
Run through the sprinkler
Bike rides
Chore Dance Parties
Pray for summer teams as a family
Play soccer in the street
Make this from Pinterest…and this
Adult Specific:
Trip to Colorado for my cousin’s wedding (sans children)
Make curtains for the office
Paint Side table
Date Nights
He loves when I choose driving time to take selfies.
Okay, what’s on your Summer Bucket List? I love hearing others’ plans!