My husband went camping with friends and the boys, giving me 17 hours of complete alone time. I was refreshed and accomplished some things at the same time.
The beauty of this autumn has me enchanted. We celebrated our friend’s fifth birthday with pony rides in the November afternoon sun. The kids bandied about hedge apples, played King of the Hill on a sand pile, and devoured apples and caramel.
I got to sample essential oils at one friend’s house and play with jewelry at another’s – all without pressure to buy. Just conversation and connecting.
The boys and I rummaged through barely-used baby clothes to pass onto our newest little friend arriving soon. Nostalgia and gratitude overwhelm me when we bring out baby paraphernalia. He has always been so faithful to our family.
Watching my boy practice for a Christmas concert – and being an eye witness to the work that goes into accomplishing such a performance – made me grateful to our community.
And falling asleep on the couch watching football with my man rounded out a weekend of purpose and joy.
I have enjoyed learning to ride the waves of life’s ebbs and flows. In between intense battle and struggle He is faithful to grant times of refreshment.
I’m learning to embrace both.
How do you fill your soul?