I love when I do this.
We had a lovely weekend. Saturday we got some stuff done around the house and I got to hang with a friend. Then we hit Sam’s for our monthly trip and dinner out as a family. Sunday we had one of those glorious afternoons at home together, complete with a fire in the fireplace.
I stole an idea from a friend to let the boys go to town on a blank canvas, letting each color dry in between. It needs some reds, yes?
Been doing quite a bit of Shel recently. Some weird stuff. I like it.
And just so I make sure not to only include happy, sweet things…the pile of laundry the boys and I need to go through tonight:
I’ve been overwhelmed lately by 1 Corinthians 13 in the Message. I posted it yesterday, and the whole thing is intimidating. What does it look like to love others in a way that isn’t always “Me first” or “Doesn’t fly off the handle”? (Two of my hardest ones.)
The answer for me always comes back to prayer. When I’m getting self-absorbed? Pray for other people. When I don’t know what to do and am choosing to worry? Pray and give it to the One Who can actually take care of it. When I’m about to lose my patience? Breathe Him in. And consciously remember it’s His agape love in me and through me that matters most.
What are your best “love well” tips?
I really want to know.