Number one for me is Sunshine. I’ve been working at our boys’ school and when the forecast allows for outdoor recess? Bliss. Plus, swinging.
Also loving Online Printables. It’s an easy way to freshen up our space or give a simple but polished gift to a friend.
Micron Pens and Bible Journaling. Two things about this: 1. Good pens that don’t bleed through thin pages are worth their weight in chocolate. 2. If you are visual you might want to join this party. I love jotting down significant phrases or doodling pretty notes as I soak in His Word
Dance parties. These are especially fun with kiddos at school when we all need a Brain Break to get the oxygen flowing.
Our Vitamix. Specifically, smoothies. I plan to make it a practice to take Vitamin D during shorter daylight days. But you can’t beat the natural vitamins in mixed greens disguised with bananas or dates or scrumptious berries.
Home Workouts. A friend introduced me to this little jewel (killer). I don’t want to talk about how long I last in that. Plus, DVDs I can modify when I have a 25 minute window before work or bed. Endorphins = happiness.
Surprisingly: Basketball. When I want to hole up, the boys’ practices can get me out and (possibly) on an elliptical. And games are always a good time. Watching your kids learn a new skills and character lessons is a win.
Also surprisingly: Football on TV. It is rare that I sit and watch a whole game, but I like to snuggle with my guys and listen to them rant. Plus, there’s something comforting about the sounds of a Sunday afternoon game filling our space. Even if I’m napping.
Essential Oils. From diffusing in the morning for energy to rolling on kiddos at school for focus, I’m becoming a genuine groupie.
My people. I will forever be grateful for the souls who have strengthened mine.
So…what’s saving your life right now? I’d love to hear!