So about that heavy heart thing…I’m doing good. The past two days he’s run into the school when the door opens going, “Bye Mom!” He loves it. He loves his teacher, he loves when he gets “homework,” he loves Jacob and Carter. Just love.
The first day Caleb napped and I got out Caden’s baby book after a leisurely reading time. Mind you, I didn’t actually scrapbook anything, but it was out in case! I got distracted by pictures and wandered down memory lane.
Yesterday Caleb had already napped earlier so I went grocery shopping with just one child! Plus, we rocked a long time and I savored some me-and-Caleb moments.
Today I’m thinking Sonic Happy Hour is in order. It’s a rough life.
But seriously, my hair is done. My kitchen is clean. Dinner is prepped. Laundry is laundering. Life is good.
And the best part? Caden falls in bed exhausted at the end of the day – around 7:30!! We were in that weird transition stage of kinda still need a nap, but not every day. And when he took too long a nap we paid for it that night. But these days sleeping is off the charts! Not only is he not napping, but he’s engaged and active during that time. We were needing a tired and ready for bed boy. And boy do we have one now! (Am I the only one whose sanity seems to rely heavily on sleep?)
Just thought I’d share. I’m sure it won’t all be roses and butterflies, but we’re having a nice time so far!
Maybe Caden will pick his best friend (#2 now that Dan is in the picture) out in preschool like his mommy did 🙂
Glad it’s going well for both of you.