“Now before this, the priest Eliashib had been put in charge of the storerooms of the house of our God. He was a relative of Tobiah and had prepared a large room for him where they had previously stored the grain offerings, the frankincense, the articles, and the tenths of grain, new wine, and fresh oil prescribed for the Levites, singers, and gatekeepers, along with the contributions for the priests.”
Nehemiah 13:4-5

Last time we saw the people heed the Law of Moses and separate themselves from those of other descents. We remembered He is always protecting His followers from idolatry and calling all nations to Himself. Today we see what was going on in the Temple storehouse.

“Now before this, Elisashib the priest having authority over the storerooms of the house of our God…”
We begin with some context: Eliashib had been put in charge of the storerooms. Here having authority is nathan – to give, put, set; storerooms is lishkah – room, chamber, hall, cell, parlor; and house of our God is “bayith Elohim.”
Eliashib was given the chambers of the house of God…

“…[and he] was allied with Tobiah…”
And now it gets tricky. Allied with is qarob – near, close, allied, approach, at hand, any of kin, that is near of kin, neighbor, that is next; from qarab; near (in place, kindred or time); Tobiyyah means “Yah is my good.”
This Eliashib was near, kin with Tobiah…

Ah, Tobiah. We’ve seen him several times, but it’s been a minute. We first met him in this post, from this verse:
So I went to the governors of Trans-Euphrates and gave them the king’s letters. The king had also sent army officers and cavalry with me.
When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard about this, they were very much disturbed that someone had come to promote the welfare of the Israelites.”
Nehemiah 2:9-10
Not a great start for the leader of the Ammonites.

But that’s not all. Tobiah then moved onto mockery and trickery, seeking to sabotage our governor. Even hiring someone to falsely prophecy to him in order to blackmail him.

“And he had prepared for him a large room…”
So our priest, Eliashib, near and allied with this Tobiah, had prepared for him a large room in Temple. This is not good.

“…where they had previously stored the grain offering, the frankincense, and the articles, and the tithes of grain, the new wine, and oil…”
And now we see why:
Grain offering is minchah – gift, tribute, offering, sacrifice [bloodless and voluntary]; frankincense is lebonah; and articles – keli – utensil, vessel, earthen ware, jar, jewel, pottery, tool, yoke; Grain (dagan), new wine (tirosh) and oil (yitshar).
Everything in Tobiah’s Temple room used to be where offerings and articles were stored. Uh oh. We have not historically seen Yahweh appreciate Temple not being used for its intended purpose.

“…which were commanded to be given to the Levites and singers and gatekeepers, and the offerings for the priests…”
Here commanded is mitsvah (prescribed, terms; from tsavah – conditions, law, ordinance, precept, lay charge upon); singers is shir – to sing, song leaders, behold; gatekeepers is shoer; and offerings is terumah – contribution for sacred uses, heave offering, shoulder, lifted up; from rum – to be high or exalted; a present (as offered up), especially in sacrifice or as tribute — gift, heave offering (shoulder).
These articles had been prescribed for those who worked in Temple: The Levites, singers, and gatekeepers – and contributions of sacred use were for the priests.

Well, now we see why giving Tobiah a storeroom meant for other items was such a big deal: A charge had been laid upon those working in Temple to make sure only things of sacred use were kept there. And it seems as though Eliashib, being a priest in Temple, was misusing his authority. And for someone who historically has been against God’s people and the rebuilding.

Does it make you wonder why someone would strike up such a deal? And what was Tobiah storing in there?
My first instinct is to think it had nothing to do with Tobiah lacking storage space in his personal living quarters, and everything to do with control. What I don’t know is if Eliashib was fine with the setup or if he did it under duress. Did he owe Tobiah a favor and reluctantly gave into his request? Was he needing something from Tobiah and offered the storeroom without worry? Nehemiah hadn’t been gone that long – all the returned exiles knew what they were to be doing to honor God.

Next week we’ll see our governor’s response. For today, let’s apply this to our own lives.
Anything you’re allowing in your life you know is for sacred use? Ways you’re compromising – even if you don’t necessarily want to? Instances you’ve turned your back on others or what’s right?
How about us communally? Any compromises believers have agreed on – spoken or unspoken? Injustices we’ve chosen to ignore – or address but in our flesh, not His Spirit?

Truth and love together, friends. May we use authority given to us for Good.