So Valentine’s Day…Dan bought me beautiful roses. But more than that, he held our feverish boys when he could last week. He has been speaking such big brotherly-type truth into our friend’s life. We were looking forward to an evening out on Saturday, but he saw in my face I wasn’t feeling great and sent me to bed early. Then proceeded to hang out with my parents and still-a-bit-sickie boys.
And that, my friends, is better than commercial Valentine’s.
(For the record, Dan talked about how he enjoyed the evening on Saturday. I love and am so grateful for my parents. God has been faithful to my family of origin. I wouldn’t trade them for anything.)
Our little family had some time together yesterday (yippee!). And while my man has to do the In-Service thing today, the boys and I are hanging out.
They grabbed some hats on the way out the door this morning:
Too much, aren’t they?
What else?
I missed holiday sock pictures last week. Our sweet class photographer emailed me the photo…
I love that group. Today a student told me he and some of his friends regularly meet at McDonald’s. Are you ready for this? They call themselves ROMEOS…Retired Old Men Eating Out.
That is awesome.
The hubs and I did some intensive counseling with Madly in Love ministries around this time last year and got to go to a conference of theirs on Saturday. During it I mentioned to Dan how we aren’t going through the steps as consistently anymore. But he reminded me we are, just more naturally. When hashing things out, we echo back without thinking and say things like, “I can see what you’re saying.” And while our friends can testify we still bicker, I can’t remember the last time things escalated big time. The whole thing reminded me why training is good.
So it can work its way into the fabric of our lives.
I’ve been teaching Silver Sneakers at the Y, which is an outside certification. If I want to teach other classes, there is an 8 week training. I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a bit hard on the ole ego. Don’t get me wrong. There are times when I still feel like someone’s gonna realize I don’t know all the Latin names for the muscles and often put together choreography on the spot. But at the same time, I’ve taught for a long time and didn’t want to take 8 Monday nights relearning the basics.
Well, oh my word. First, I’m getting to know some fun people. Plus, I’m learning lots of little tricks and ways to remember stuff I always forget and new choreography ideas and will get a review of the muscle groups and joint actions. Good stuff.
So, how are you? Any fun or random or serious stuff?
Hope you’re having a good week!