Nehemiah 4:6b ESV
Last time we looked at all the ways God is calling us to build. Longer tables, understanding bridges, service to others. All in His power. Today we get to peek in on how each section of the wall was joined together. All the different areas of town, various gates and their functions, and surrounding & local people not only built but brought it all together. And that is unity.
Friends, we are watching many things crumble before our eyes in our day. But idols must topple before the Rightful King takes His place. Whether it is unhealthy, idolatrous nationalism, corporate greed, politics as a god, guns and rights over love, sexual abuse and the evil form of patriarchy, or supremacy of any kind, our world is watching these things come up short. Come out of the darkness and into the light. And people don’t know where to turn.
Oh may the King of Glory rise. May His Bride, the holy, beautiful, Gospel-saturated Church in its many expressions, shine.
Believers, we have the answer. It is not in anything else but Jesus of Nazareth. As we continue to build, put our minds to the work He’s called us, may we join together across the world to display His Fame.
Truly, nothing else satisfies. No other work will last.