But Luke includes a necessary scene before this Temple chaos: Jesus weeping over His beloved Zion.
“If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace – but now it is hidden from your eyes…” (Luke 19:41-42)
The Greek verb for weep means to wail aloud, “expressing uncontainable, audible grief.”
He deeply longs for Shalom for His people, His creation.
Make no mistake, I want – need – a Savior Who not only makes the clouds His chariots and rides on the wings of the wind, but Who created the clouds and causes the wind. But I desperately need that powerful King to choose a donkey over a chariot, a cross over a crown. I want to know He weeps when there is no shalom for His people. Even when we are the reason there is no peace.
Our King made sure to get Himself killed this week so many years ago, surrendering His life to His Father’s will. It’s the most significant week, leading to a Crucifixion that split history and the Veil in two.
Let’s worship anew.