Only Jonathan the son of Asahel and Jahzeiah the son of Tikvah opposed this, and Meshullam and Shabbethai the Levite supported them.
Ezra 10:12-15 ESV
Our assembly is obeying: making confession and doing His will. They admit they have greatly offended in this matter. However, because of the size of the group and the torrential rain, they “cannot stand in the open.”
I realize they are referring to actually standing in the outdoor courtyard of the Temple. But I find the Hebrew interesting here: We cannot (are bereft to) take a stand (amad) in the open.
Have you ever experienced this? Because of what goes on behind the scenes, you are bereft to take a stand in public? I ask with no condemnation as someone who, just this week, has been convicted about what I have allowed in my heart and mind and mouth. I’m simply hoping we can all relate on this.
Throughout His Word, God is so much more interested in mercy than sacrifice. In the condition of our hearts toward Him and our neighbor than anything we can bring to Him or do for Him. Any time He asks us to take a stand in public as Believers, He will make sure it flows from His power inside us based on our love relationship with Him in private. Before we take any stand, let’s make sure we’ve been on our knees.
Our assembly proposes a solution: they return home and in each city meet with elders and judges if they have taken (are abiding, remaining, dwelling in sin with) foreign wives. The reason? To turn away the burning fury, nostril-flaring anger of Elohim.
I appreciate the use of Elohim in this context. Creator God. The One who knit together everyone in this situation. Creator implies dignity for creation. Every man, woman, and child made in God’s image and given equal opportunity to be brokenhearted over sin and surrender to the Most High. Because there really is wrath to avoid. Genuine love will not tolerate what mars that image of God in ourselves or others.
Believers, those of us who represent Jesus’ Beloved Bride, we have a responsibility to wash our neighbors’ feet right now. You cannot wash someone’s feet while looking down on them. The Spirit has exposed an ugly bias in my heart recently I am in dialogue with Him about regularly right now. I have to surrender it over and over until I think His thoughts about it, rather than my own.
But we must. We must acknowledge the Creator God’s image in everyone. Everyone. It is not a coincidence that the category I’m on this week in my prayer chart is Protect Us From Evil. Know our church’s heart value with which this coincides? Stay Under Proper Authority. No, we lay down our lives rather than submit to evil that goes against our Highest Authority. But, Believers, we better make sure we’re aligning ourselves under the authority God has put in our lives. He loves us too much to allow us to take on principalities and powers without His protection.
And that is what we are doing when we acknowledge Creator God in every single person. We are defying the evil that wants to mar that image. That wants to use divisiveness to carry out evil on each other. We must resist with the Gospel of Peace. Ready to lay down our lives because we’ve taken up our cross. Allowing ourselves to fall to the ground and die. Selling everything for the pearl of greatest price.
Keeping our eyes on Elohim on His throne, and serving like He did on this planet. This is our time to shine the Gospel. If our trust is in Him alone, the wrath we deserve is gone. As far away as east is from west and our Savior from the grave. We are welcomed back to Eden.
Let’s partner with Him to welcome others.