It was such an innocuous statement shared with new friend who was at her parenting max. At that point in her life, she had some family in town but not deep community to share the load. To step in when she needed help, to carpool, to listen.
I realized as it came out of my mouth, the above statement was a testimony to how I was learning to survive the hard parenting days: deep friendships. This new friend just needed a few hours break every day. Just to sit and breathe. She didn’t know how it was going to happen. They couldn’t afford babysitting and no one was taking naps anymore.
No one had come alongside to share the load. She had no idea she could ask.
I have watched this family over the past two and a half years. She has blossomed as relationships with moms from our neighborhood school have play dates and carpool and ask her for help so she feels completely comfortable asking back when she needs it. Breaks are natural and friendships are flourishing.
There are things that are possible in community that are not possible on your own.