This is the first full week of school for all of us. Youngest is in all-day Kindergarten, oldest is in 3rd, and so is Hubs. I am incredibly blessed to spend my afternoons at the boys’ school helping with reading and math groups.
And in the meantime?
I write.
Some things I’m excited about living through/writing about:
- Racial reconciliation. God will not let up on this in my personal life, which often translates to sharing on here.
- Essential Oils. So happy to officially be at this party. Learning lots, seeing some results already, excited to learn from others out there.
- House stuff. Hubs has several projects in the works and it is fun to see different things come together. And not just for the pretty factor, but intentionality in finances.
- Gifting. Been adoring Mason Jars and flowers and extra books and taking things we already have to bless others.
- 100 Dreams list. It really is a chore to get one hundred. But I love it’s not a to-do list, but something to keep returning to to make sure our daily lives are lining up with big-picture goals. Like a mission statement.
- Blessing Bags – and how to build them on a budget
- Oil Pulling – still a new thing for me but becoming a habit.
- More crafting/creating. Saw this Instagram post on Twitter and it inspired me to get to creating as I write. Those two things don’t have to be separated in my life.
How are you? I’d love to hear anything you’re learning!