“‘You, on the other hand, have turned from the way. You have caused many to stumble by your instruction. You have violated the covenant of Levi,’ says the Lord of Armies.
‘So I in turn have made you despised and humiliated before all the people because you are not keeping my ways but are showing partiality in your instruction.’”
Malachi 2:8-9

Last time we explored the covenant Yahweh began with Levi, a covenant of life and peace, with faithful Truth on the priests’ lips. Today we compare this example to what is currently happening in Temple during Malachi’s time.

We begin with “But you have departed from the way…”
Departed here is sur – to turn aside, abolished, avoid, cut off, do away, escape, go away, keep away, leave, pass away, put away, remove, retract, separated, strip away, swerve, take away, turn aside, turn away, undone, wanderer, withdrawn, to turn off (literal or figurative); bring, call back, decline, depart, eschew, grievous, leave undone, be past, pluck away, rebel, revolt, be sour, be without.
And the way (derek – way, road, distance, journey, manner, actions, conduct, course, crooked, direction, example, favors, highway, impulses, line, manner, mission, path, practice, safely, street, toward, walk, way, way toward; along, away, because of, by, conversation, custom, eastward, journey; from darak; a road, figuratively – a course of life or mode of action).

So Yahweh, through Malachi, is contrasting His covenant with Levi with the priests who have turned aside, swerved, rebelled from the road, journey, manner, mission, path, safe street, course of life. This is serious stuff. And there is so much to it.

I know deconstruction is a trending word right now – trending as in heard often either in positive or negative contexts. But the truth is we all go through times of making our faith our own, often questioning what we’ve always been told. Sometimes that means holding up what we thought to be biblical to the actual Bible and realizing they have nothing in common. Such truths only matters of culture or tradition.

And other times, particularly when absolutely everything of importance is on the line, we hold up what we’ve been taught to be biblical and it holds firm. Nothing can shake it, like building our house on the Rock. It transcends culture, political party, opinions, and our own emotions. It is absolute Bedrock and our True North. Completely unshakable.

It seems as though the current priests were swerving away from what they knew to be their mission, purpose, and the safe path toward wholeness. Stripping away the very things they ought to be sure of and grievously leaving undone what they were commanded to do. Scary stuff. But that’s not all.

“You have caused many to stumble at your teaching…”
Here stumble is kashal – to stagger, totter; bring you down, cast down, downfall, fail, fall, feeble, weak; bereave, be decayed; to waver (through weakness of the legs, especially the ankle); by implication, to falter, faint. And at your teaching is torah again – direction, instruction, law.
Your direction is causing others to stagger and have weak ankles when they ought to be running their race with perseverance.

Yikes. So far, we have forfeiting personal peace and causing others to stumble with their teaching. Let’s dive into the next repercussion:
“‘You have corrupted the covenant of Levi,’ says Jehovah-sabaoth…”

Corrupted is shachath – act corruptly, blemished animal, destroyed, devastate, harm, jeopardize, polluted, ravage, spoiled, stifled, wasted, wreaking destruction; batter, cast off, corrupter, thing, mar, perish, spill; to decay, to ruin (literally or figuratively), perish, utterly waste. And covenant is berith from last time (ally, league, treaty).
You have jeopardized, polluted, corrupted, ruined, spoiled, wasted, destroyed, and devastated the treaty Yahweh made with Levi.
Strong, strong words.

And the consequence:
“Therefore I have made you humiliated before all the people…”
Therefore is gam – moreover, again, alike, also, to gather; properly, assemblage; used only adverbially: also, even, yea.
I here is ani – I, Myself. Have made you is nathan – to give, put, set; despised is bazah – careless, contempt, despicable, despise, disdained, think to scorn, vile person, to disesteem.
Humiliated/base is shaphal – abased, deeper, low, lower, lowly; basest, humble; from shaphel; depressed, literally or figuratively.
And people is our familiar am – folk.
In front of all the folk, yes, I Myself will set you to be humbled, lowly, and depressed.

And why?
“Because you are not keeping my ways…”
Because is peh – mouth, accordance, boast, face, hunger, spokesman, words, commandment, eat; from pa’ah – mouth, to cleave in pieces, blow away, scatter into corners. Not in “you are not” is ayin – nothing, naught; Keeping is shamar – keep, watch, preserve; attend, being careful, bodyguard, give heed, keeper, perform, preserve, protect, regard, secured, take care, take heed, waits, watch, look narrowly, observe. And my ways is derek again.
From the mouth you are doing nothing to bodyguard the way, mission of Life.

Finally: how are they not keeping His way?
“…but you are showing partiality in your instruction…”

You in this verse is our familiar paneh – face, and instruction is once again torah.
But for the phrase “showing partiality,” the root word is nasah – to lift, carry, take, accept, advance, arise, able to, armor, suffer to bear, bring forth. But this is the only time it is used as a conjunction in this way.
So the most literal form would be “but you have turned your face to lift the law in partiality.”

So much to unpack here. The priests, chosen to lead the people in the Way of Life, have polluted that way by not protecting it with their mouths and, instead, turning their face toward favoritism.
It almost feels anticlimactic. Why is favoritism or showing partiality so wrong? How is that, of all things, the way they are rebelling from the Mission?

While it may feel anticlimactic, it actually points to God’s heart. If being partial is only showing fondness to one part of something, then God’s character is in direct contrast.
He does not love me more than He loves the person I disagree with. He isn’t rooting for one denomination over another. He’s not waiting until every ethnicity looks the same or culture lines up to the one I’m comfortable with. He isn’t showing more favor when things are going my way than if I’m having trial after trial, and He for dang sure doesn’t love rich people like me more than the poor, those mistreated, marginalized in society, or suffering.
God so loved the entire world that He gave His only Son. And He doesn’t take bribes.

If you’ve ever felt the sting of not being the favorite, you know this is good news. And as finite humans we naturally are partial to certain things over others; we cannot care about everything. But intentionally choosing what we prefer – over what God says – is not only sin, it’s apparently rebellion toward our mission here.
What does this look like in your life? Maybe you’re like our family and a child connects more naturally with one parent than the other. Or you’re in charge of a group and you instinctively prefer the way one or two members go about their work more than others. In those moments, we must fight the temptation to spend the most time or side with one over another. Particularly when it’s a matter of opinion or preference, not integrity or work ethic.

Perhaps it’s more serious. Maybe you are partial to a race or ethnicity over another, not just because the other is different than what you’re familiar with, but because deep down you genuinely believe their history, culture, or customs are wrong. Or for those whose belief system you disagree with you view as an enemy to fight rather than a neighbor to love and serve.
May we do a serious heart inventory if these things ring true. If these partialities are fed, they give birth to all kinds of evil. And if they’re unexamined, we miss out on God’s movement in our day and His global purposes. We can unintentionally rebel against the Way of Life and Mission.

To be clear, I am not endorsing we throw away capital-T Truth. God’s Word is our guide. But the way we interact and feel toward those who don’t align their lives to it is our work to do. And if culture, custom, tradition, or preferences guide us rather than His Truth, we will miss the fullness of what He has for us and even cause others to stumble.
May we bow, guard, and instruct in His righteousness.