Ezra 10:16-17 ESV
Today’s text is simply about obedience. And there is something so straight-forwardly administrative about it I appreciate. They were to be badal – set apart – as God’s people, so Ezra the priest set apart heads of father’s houses.
They were to represent the Name (Hashem) and Ezra made sure to designate the leaders of the committees by name (shem).
They were to abide in Yahweh’s covenant and keep His commands. So they sat down – yashab (to abide, remain, dwell) in December to examine – darash (investigate, inquire, avenge) the matter of how they had not done that. And three months later, in March, they had completed the work.
Now that I work with students at our boys’ school, I am learning more about behavior management. I had a lovely talk yesterday with someone well-versed in handling students’ obedience. She affirmed the need for relational authority. How kids will do anything for someone they believe truly cares about them.
Of course, the other side is true as well. Even with that care and relationship, repeated transgression of rules over time requires consequences. But the part that made me relax is how she affirmed as an experienced educator how they work together. Even as those consequences are doled out, the relationship remains in tact.
It reminds me of something in Praying God’s Word: “God is never unbiased toward His children. He does not momentarily set aside His parenthood to discipline us objectively and unaffectionately…The hardest decisions God ever makes in our behalf crest the highest ways of His love.” (pg 100)
Don’t you love that? He doesn’t step away from His love for us when disciplining. We aren’t suddenly someone He gives up on. Like parents setting hard boundaries with a rebellious teen, who later cry together in the quiet at night, what He does for His children is done for our best.
As God uses our current cultural climate to refine His children, let’s keep our eyes on how much He loves us.
Everything He does is for our good and His glory.