The prophet Haggai certainly did help cast vision. The people set back to work, encouraged to put God’s purposes above their own comfort and fight through challenges. To seek holiness and trust that He Who called them would take care of glorifying Himself amidst their very human obedience.
And Zechariah is just getting started. So far, he’s called for heart return, not just going-through-the-motions return. We’ll keep checking in with him as God uses him to speak.
But back to our exiles in the Ezra narrative. As per usual, word gets around. Others heard about the work resuming:
“At that time Tattenai, governor of Trans-Euphrates, and Shethar-Bozenai and their associates went to them and asked,
‘Who authorized you to rebuild this temple and restore this structure?’ They also asked, ‘What are the names of the men constructing this building?’ (Ezra 5:3-4)
Wouldn’t you just know it? Do you ever think to yourself, “Why can’t life just be easy?”
My hubs and I have a comeback for each other when that flows out of our mouths in frustration: “Oh, because this isn’t heaven.”
Can’t you just picture our exiles stopping their hammering and rock cutting, standing erect, and sighing at the intrusion? We’ve backed off for nearly 20 years. We have taken care of getting our own supplies. Can we just work?
But they didn’t have to go there. Here’s why:
“But the eye of their God was watching over the elders of the Jews, and they were not stopped until a report could go to Darius and his written reply be received.” (vs. 5)
When we are obedient to the work He’s asked us to do, and trusting Him with outcomes, we don’t have to worry about the consequences of that obedience. His eye is watching over us.
But there’s another part of this section, too, isn’t there? How often are we the ones getting in the way of what God is doing?
There can be many reasons why: refusing to let go of the past and forgive; unwillingness to listen to the counsel of those who may not share my perspective; not going directly to the person I need to talk to; making it about me and my plans and not giving Him control.
If we are returning with all our heart to Him, daily surrendered, and living in gut-level honest community, it is much less likely the above will describe us.
If not, we need a heart check.