What I didn’t tell you is why this change would fall under the category of being intentional.
For starters, we have been using a home phone and two phones that required us to buy cards to put on minutes as needed for cell service. Our home phone service is fine, but the phone itself does not always work. Or, put another way, my patient friends hated that thing.
Our cell service was pretty good, but as life seasons change, we had been using more minutes than the plan was worth. Plus if I was put on a group text, I would cry into my pillow it took so long to download. I’m only kidding a little.
And finally, with the actual phones I would purchase through this cell service being around $5, they didn’t always stand the test of time. Or: when you drop things on the ground and in your coffee cup as much as I do, it may be worth the investment to get a quality cell phone (with a bulletproof case).
So we did. We jumped right on that iPhone bandwagon.
The best part? Since we bought the phones themselves outright, once we cancel home phone, take out what we budgeted for cell phone minute cards, and add some friends to our new plan, we will be saving money! Not to mention all the awesome money saving apps available.
I’m on a definite learning curve. Auto correct makes me crazy. But, just like everything else, once I get the hang of it, I’m sure I’ll love it.
Okay, now you: Got a smart phone? Has this been a good way to be available to people in your life? Do you struggle to not let it take over your life? And what apps are your favs?