My heart got heavy about the last post and I don’t want to take that lightly. Because I lean toward blaming others instead of taking full responsibility for my own sin, I want to make sure and say almost every Valley of Trouble I’ve been in has been one I’ve put myself in.
God will never let me off the hook in not completely confessing my sins and taking full responsibility.
Plus, if the previous post had been written by someone I know, I would question if our relationship was one they were talking about. So I want to make sure and say I had no one in particular in mind when writing and it didn’t come from conscious bitterness. I do not want to place burdens on others, but share how only He is worthy of our worship.
I am blessed. He loves me too much to flatter me. Thank goodness.
(I will add this to the end of the previous post as well. Heavy hearts do not mesh well with a fun family day!)