Toddlers really are great.
I learn so much about myself watching and helping with them.
I read somewhere that their job is to figure out their boundaries. They really need to know what those boundaries are, then know what (limited) freedom and choices they have within those boundaries.
I read a James Dobson book that compared kids’ need for boundaries with a nighttime security guard. The guard walks through the closed building. And, yes, he tries to open the doors. But not because he wants them to open for him…but precisely because he doesn’t.
Yes, toddlers push the limits all the time. Not (always) because they want to go beyond the limit, but mostly because they don’t.
Limits and boundaries make them feel safe. They know where they stand and that someone is watching out for them.
Boundaries are good.
My man is good to me. We had a chat about how if helping with Kids’ Kamp does not assist in my first priority to our family, then maybe it’s not the best match of gifting with service. Wise words.
I would hate for anyone whose kids I helped with at Kamp to randomly read this and think I didn’t enjoy loving on their child for these 4 days. Because that’s not my true heart. He is so good and so kind. His love in me is bigger than my sin. And dying to myself and loving littles is a wonderful exercise in becoming more like Him.
I’d also hate for anyone who doesn’t know my true heart to think I don’t adore my family. Some days are harder than others, but they are my heart. My first priority. I’m willing to give up anything I need (that God allows) to love them better and never regret these young years. If I don’t get this right, anything else I would do is worthless.
I’m glad it is He Who lives in me. On my own, oh my word. But because of Him, the Most High God, living inside of me, I have hope.
I hope you’re having a good day, too!