“David died at a good old age, full of days, riches, and honor, and his son Solomon became king in his place” (1 Chronicles 29:28).
“What do you want most for your legacy? How would you like to be remembered?
Our God gave no insignificant space to the chronicles of David’s life.
In Psalm 51, David begged forgiveness. Solomon was the tangible evidence of David’s pardon, for of him Scripture says, ‘The LORD loved him’ (2 Sam 12:24).
The unrelenting sword was finally at rest. David’s house was in order. God had given a weary man strength and helped him prepare a family and a nation for life in his absence.
God did not cast David away. The God whose faithfulness endures to all generations completed the good work He started in a shepherd. Now the work was finally finished.
David had no reason to resist death’s call. He was too old to conquer kingdoms, too sick to fill a sling, too frail to feast on the fatted calf. But that which he treasured most was never so dear to him and never so real.
The earthly life of one of the most passionate and controversial figures ever to grace this planet ended.
Life went on, but forever marked by the life of God’s chosen king. God sovereignly chose to chisel David’s reign into a kingdom that would last forever.”
Tomorrow is the last day in the “90 Days with a Heart Like His” study. I will miss David.