Inspired by this post, I want to share 35 things I’ve learned in 35 years.
(I’m going to try to only include things that I have learned experientially to be true.)
1. It really is true that what you repeatedly do is what you become. I don’t like that fact, but I cannot refute it.
2. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
3. Humility is tricky. Lots of smart people say it is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. Combining that with a tough, internal look is hard to reconcile. Only in a deep awareness that our life is in Jesus does any of that make any sense to me.
4. If you’re going to err, err on the side of trust, kindness, generosity and gentleness.
5. Head-level knowledge puffs up; Heart-level wisdom builds up (to borrow from Paul)
6. Insecurity fuels a lot of yucky behavior. Especially in myself.
7. Even as He has been cultivating the more introverted, serious side of me, this still rings very true.
8. Snuggling with my boys in the morning is still one of my favorite things.
9. It is okay to fiercely love your children and have your own life. In fact, it is healthy for their little psyches.
10. Some things are black and white. Most things aren’t.
11. “Grace doesn’t seem fair until you need some.” Bob Goff.
12. When you teach a Fall Avoidance class, and you ask the participants what they think the current activity is helping them practice, their answer will always be, “Balance.” Kinda like kids in Sunday School. The answer is always, “Jesus.”
13. The answer really is always Jesus.
14. He is more intimate, powerful, trustworthy and kind than I could have ever imagined.
15. I wish everyone could have seen my husband’s face last week when we were working through an argument. I had (once again) overbooked us. No biggie for me, but it added extra work for him. I asked him to cut the (still-frozen-ish) cheesecake because he is stronger than me. He did, but reluctantly. So I bristled and fussed back. Working through it the next day I asked him why he helps me in those situations instead of telling me no. He goes, “Because you asked me to.” I said, “But I don’t get it. Why?” He emphatically replied, “Because you asked me to. If you ask me to do something for you, I will die to get it done.” What? What kind of love is that? Second only to my Rock, he is my rock.
16. God will not let you get away with letting your spouse be your capital “R” Rock.
17. This isn’t heaven. Yet. But we get glimpses here and now.
18. We need each other.
19. Taking time to be creative is important as image bearers of a Creative God.
20. Although I hate it, what you eat affects how you feel.
21. Fertility issues and miscarriages are heart-wrenching. It is a great lesson in Who is in control, but your soul will be marked forever. When He walks with you in times like those, You know He is Jehovah-Rapha, our Healer.
22. When someone shares their deep wounds, usually the best response is, “I’m so sorry.”
23. When someone screws up and shares it with you, usually the best response is, “Me too.”
24. God is light; In Him there is no darkness at all. He is completely trustworthy.
25. Principles are good; love is better
26. Listening is so so so much more important than talking.
27. The best talks with young boys will come in the car when the radio is turned off.
28. Loving someone the way you want to be loved is pointless. Love them the way they want to be loved.
29. My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him; He alone is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Fortress, I will never be shaken.
30. Every parent is different and every child is different. God knows what He’s doing when He puts families together.
31. Don’t just believe in God. Believe God. (And believing God is Who He says He is is way easier for me than believing God for who He says I am.)
32. Self-protection is sin.
33. Joy and suffering are very intertwined.
34. Even if it seems like a good idea, do not use the self check-out.
35. Seek justice. Love mercy. Walk humbly.
Here’s to obediently trusting God with however many more hours or days or years He gives me!
What have you learned?