It seems to be my M.O. to post pictures about things going on in our life about this time in the week. Unfortunately, I deleted all the pictures off my camera. I don’t want to talk about it.
We’ve hung with several fun friends lately. Also, when the weather heats up, neighbor kids come out of the woodwork. I love when they breeze in and out of our house, feeling welcome. (As long as I get some down time in there somewhere!)
We’ve been helping our friends move into a new house. Then they will sell both houses and move away. I don’t want to talk about it.
What else? On particularly trying days that surround work of the kingdom (hard parenting days, investing in people, writing, our team’s outreach) hubs and I – and a friend and I – often talk about this scene in The Matrix:
Ever felt like this? Neo can take the blue pill and go on living happy and oblivious. Or he can take the red pill and find out the truth about our broken world.
It really is broken. So much hurt. And we really do have an enemy who hates us. Especially if we’re seeking to make Him and His kingdom our first priority.
Some days this friend or I will say, “The red pill was worth it, right?” Then the other will proceed to list all the reasons it is. All the relationships and insights and intimacy with our King that He has offered us as we’ve chosen to see. To go deeper. To live with intentionality, even as we rest in His embrace.
Or my husband, who loves quality things, will look at our breaking vehicles or unfinished floors or sorry bank account and ask me to remind him why it was good we spent our twenties training to be missional instead of building a huge nest egg. And we’ll remind each other all the ways He’s provided. And the people who mean more to us than money and “security.” And how it will all vanish in the end anyway.
Friends, He is so worth it. And the things He calls us to are worth it. Let’s live in His love and power today.
He’s the only One Whose approval matters.