Nehemiah 4:16-18 MSG
Last time we watched as the rebuilders returned to the wall, each to their own work. Today we see Nehemiah implement a new military strategy: half the men worked while half stood guard. Work here is asah – to accomplish, advance, bear. Then in the Hebrew another word for work is used. So “half the rebuilders worked on the work.” That second word for work is melakah from last time: craftsmanship, cattle, product, property, service.
Half the builders advanced the wall that represented protection and a united identity as Yahweh’s people.
And the other half? They stood guard. The word used is chazaq – to be firm, strong, support. This half may not be using the majority of their energy putting up the wall but they were a firm support to those who were.
And speaking of supporting. The rulers (sar – chiefs, officials, commanders) stood behind (achar – after, rear) the whole lot of them. All the house of Judah who was rebuilding in earnest, each on their own work.
There are so many whose call right now in our day is to rebuild. Working alongside His Spirit as He refines His Bride. Highlighting idols and shining light on dark principalities. If that is you, bravo. Your connection to Him and His Word and community is of vital importance. As you immerse yourself in those three areas and build, many are willing to stand guard. To pray and give platform and hold up our shields of faith and sword of the Spirit on behalf of the work.
Our unity in the Spirit is crucial right now. With our diverse backgrounds, experiences, callings and assigned positions, let’s come together and work on the work, keep watch or support as needed. All of it is rebuilding, all necessary.
All is service to our worthy King Yahweh.