Nehemiah 5:9-11 NIV
Last time we listened in to how Nehemiah began the public assembly against those charging interest to their fellow countrymen. Today we get to hear more.
“The way you’re walking (halak – to go) is not good (towb – beautiful). You should walk in the fear of (yirah – awesome, reverence) Creator God (Elohim) and avoid the cherpah (disgrace, shame) of the watching nations.”
We’ve chatted on here before about the importance of God’s chosen people walking in a way that shows off His beautiful character to those who do not know Him. God’s flawless Law was given to His people Israel to highlight mercy, peace, and justice. Shalom. The way those with more were not only becoming creditors to those with less, but were also exacting interest from them highlighted the opposite. Revering God’s awesome character and reminding themselves of those watching were two good ways to keep the people on track. But Nehemiah continues.
“I (ani – I myself), along with my brothers and servants, are also lending (nashah – becoming creditors) money (keseph – silver) and grain (dagan). But let us please (na) abandon (azab – loose oneself from) exacting interest (mashsha – usury, lending on interest).”
I am touched by the use of na (please) in this section. As governor, Nehemiah might have been able to force the matter among the people. But he wasn’t. He entreating, exhorting the people to love their fellow countrymen over profits and bottom lines. Over doing what may have technically been legal but was thoroughly unloving and disunifying.
Finally Nehemiah finishes this section with a way forward: reparations.
“Restore (shub – return) this very day (yom) their fields, vineyards, olive groves and houses, and also the interest you (attah – you yourselves) are charging them (nashah) — one percent of the money, grain, new wine and olive oil.”
I find it intriguing that in the middle of repairing the city wall, Nehemiah and the people find themselves repairing relationships. And not just returning what was taken but giving back a percentage of the money made on unloving business dealings.
There are so many personal and communal and societal applications that can be made for us here. If industries are making profits but hurting people, there will be a price to pay. If “I’m sorry’s” were said but no fruit has been produced in keeping with repentance, relationships will remain unreconciled. If governments historically and systemically have dehumanized any group for any reason and nothing has been done to correct generational wrongs, relationships cannot be made right. And if the Body of Christ stops doing wrong but doesn’t learn to do right, we will not be highlighting Spirit-filled unity to the watching world.
Friends, justice matters. Today let’s gather to worship the Only One of perfect justice. The One Who made flawless reparations He never owed for a broken humanity. But let’s not stop there. Let’s ask His perfectly just heart to beat in us. Ask Him to show us, teach us the next right thing in our personal and corporate lives. Though we wait until perfect Shalom reigns, we can be imperfect agents of it here and now.
And many will see, be drawn, and worship.