Nehemiah 3:25b-27 (ESV)
Last time we saw some builders working on the angle, corner of the wall – remembering He alone is our Cornerstone. Today we see one new builder along with two groups of volunteers. They are working opposite the Water Gate on two separate sections.
The only builder mentioned by name in today’s verse is Pediah (Pedayah) which means “Yah has ransomed.” It comes from the root word pedah – redeem, deliver by any means, to release.
What is something you would be beyond grateful to be delivered from by any means? If things are going pretty well, what is something from which you desire another to be ransomed? More pointedly: what would you like to see redeemed in our current world scene?
Friend, whatever you just thought of is likely how He plans to use you. If you are in the fight of your life, what do you think your desire will be as He walks you through it? Usually that area becomes something we can’t stop running our mouths about. When we’re delivered, we want to share about our Deliverer.
If your loved one is broken, you are now part of the club that understands the idea of “if only it could be me instead of them.” It truly can be harder to watch and feel helpless, huh? But if He shows you something, you can believe He wants to include you in how He’s working there. So pray. Pray like the persistent widow. Don’t stop praying. He really does care.
And in our current world scene? There are likely several things that could pop in your mind just from the last week. Poverty, systemic racism, human trafficking, threats of war, brokenness and addiction and loneliness.
Here’s where we should together remember a word from our definition above: release. We will be released from all this one day. And as He draws all people to Himself, He often does it by releasing them from their bondage in this harsh world. Hallelujah.
This man whose name points to a Redeemer had a group of people helping him out: the temple servants living on Ophel. If you glance back at our map you’ll see Ophel labeled near the temple. It was a fortified mound or hill inside the city. The servants living there had easy access to their place of service. And so do we. As we consider the people He has put in our lives and the areas of bondage in our world, we can know opportunities for service are right at our front door.
The second group of volunteers listed are the Tekoites. Tekoa is a city of Judah, best known for being the prophet Amos’ hometown.
These men traveled back to Jerusalem to throw in on the rebuilding effort. Their section was near the great projecting tower. This tower has been listed twice in the previous few verses, but this is the first time the word great was used to describe it.
Great here is gadol – high, prominent from gadal – grow up, advance, magnify, promote. And it is in reference to migdal – tower, podium. Oh could we? Could we grow up into Him Who is the Head in order to use any podium He hands us for His promotion?
It seems to be the way we throw in during our tenure here as He continues to make all things new.