In it was written,
‘It is reported among the nations, and Geshem also says it, that you and the Jews intend to rebel; that is why you are building the wall. And according to these reports you wish to become their king…'”
Nehemiah 6:5-6 ESV
Last time we saw our governor’s persistent resolve as the enemies of rebuilding urgently sent messages 4 times to have Nehemiah abandon the work and meet them. Today we see the persistent, but rebellious, resolve of these same enemies.
For a 5th time Sanballat urgently sent away (shalach) an open (pathach – to loosen, to vent) letter (iggereth) in his servant’s hand (yad).
Or: An open, venting letter was in Sanballat’s servant’s hand.
I’ve been wondering about the significance of this letter from Sanballat being open. The other option would be sealed with his signature, for Nehemiah’s eyes only. Instead, the definition “vent” seems appropriate in this instance. The messenger likely could read it, along with anyone else who had a mind to. When sealed with wax and a signature in tact, the only person who could open it was the intended recipient; it would be apparent if the sealed had been tampered with by anyone else curious to see.
Why do you think Sanballat sent it as an open letter? Why venting for anyone to see?
Personally, I think it’s frustration. Four times his plan to take out Nehemiah had been denied. The fifth time came with not only an open letter, but one full of untruthful rumors and accusations.
There are few things that can spur us to action like trying to defend ourselves, huh? It genuinely bothers us when others think poorly of us – especially if they have wrong information. I think Sanballat was trying his best to get some compliance to his evil plan of killing Nehemiah by tapping into his pride.
Has the enemy done this to you? Made sure you knew just enough false information was being said about you by others to get you abandoning your purpose and focusing on taking up for your reputation? Oh man, me too. There’s something so upsetting about knowing people think wrong things about our character or actions – even if some truth is laced in there. And it is so hard to trust God with our reputations and continue on with our work.
But that Hebrew word yad? In the context of Yahweh, our Covenant God, it is translated “powerful help alongside”. And He is faithful even in this area. He can vindicate our character and heal relationships without us abandoning love or our purpose.
But I want to make sure and add a caveat for us in our days of unrest and injustice. There is a time when advocating for ourselves and others is our purpose. When speaking truth to lies and repairing broken relationships has nothing to do with being obsessed with our reputation, but rather has to do with love and genuine justice. In fact, it will look like laying down our reputations even more often in order to speak truth to power and right wrongs.
“It is reported (shama – to hear, call together, discern, announce, give earnest heed, listen attentively, keep on listening, truly obey) among the nations you (yourself – attah) intend (chashab – consider, calculate, devise, plot, purpose) to rebel (marad – absolute against the king, in this particular instance) and have hovering over you (al) to become (hava – to be/breathe) king.”
Or: The open letter said, “Among the nations it is announced you have a plot hovering over you to absolutely rebel and become king.”
First of all, let’s chat. If this is a true motive of your heart – if one of your reasons for committing to your work and advocating for yourself or others is from rebellion or even bitterness, please seek God on your knees. He loves you too much to let such plans succeed. Further, although becoming king is likely not a practical goal of any of ours, if fame is right up there, please repent. If your work or advocacy is to make your name great not only will it surely fail, but it will never, ever satisfy. It’s not what any of us were designed for.
There is only One King. No one can usurp His throne. Our boys ask about Jesus taking on the bad guys often. Youngest said just today, “What’s the enemy’s name? I keep forgetting.”
Friends, we only have to remember one Name: Jesus. If His Name and ways and Word are in our minds, on our hearts and tongues, that is what we will be calling others to and announcing. That word shama has an understood obedience attached to it. Did you notice some of the definition included “call together, give earnest heed, listen attentively, keep on listening, truly obey”?
He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Oh, let’s listen, friends. God is doing something in our day and we want – no, need – ears to hear. We need to choose surrender and service daily. And a posture of humility which listens to Him and our brothers and sisters. May the only thing we as a Church are known among the nations to be devising is lifting high the True King and each other above ourselves.
Let that be our open letter to the darkness.