Nehemiah 2:16
Last time we traced our leader’s path as he viewed the city’s walls and gates. And how his role was to tarry – but with hope. To shine light on the way forward.
Today we explore more of how this nighttime mission was a secret. He lists all the people this would affect: the regular Joes all the way up to the priests, nobles and officials. Teamwork would matter.
“I had not yet told the…nobles.” Nobles here is notable men of the clans who directed public affairs. The root word means free or fully from charar. “Pure from the cleansing power of fire (choriy) and therefore noble in rank.”
He is good to cleanse us, yes? When we walk through the fire and are not burned, it is still not without pain. He uses all means necessary to purify us so He can trust us with His plans.
“I had not yet told… the rest who were to do the work.” Work is melakah – article, business, craftsmanship. And told is nagad – to be boldly out, to declare, to expound fully.
Work here implies a craft. These notable men, priests, and officials were to be doing dignified work as they helped reconstruct the wall and secure Jerusalem’s safety and future. Likely they were not used to this type of labor and would need to see it as the craft that it is. Nehemiah’s job would be to boldly declare such worth and importance to those carrying out the mission of God.
If we back up a tad to the verb examining from last time, there is an interesting slice of commentary worth noting. “The Hebrew translated ‘examining’ is sober, ‘breaking’. Rashi, the medieval Jewish commentator, suggested that Nehemiah was breaking the walls to bring conditions to the attention of the people!” Source
He is good to bring to mind my pride when I’m in times of transition. How I’m still clinging and trying to make things happen in my own strength. If indeed Nehemiah was busting holes in the walls to show their true condition, both he and those he was seeking to lead would need a hefty dose of humility to keep from fixing things in their own power.
What a task: boldly declare the worth of the work while challenging these men to rely on God through it all. To see it as a mission under Yahweh and in His strength.
How about us? The enemy is looking for anything he can to destroy the Church. All he has to do is get us out of the Word – or use it to turn on each other. Our walls of protection come from unity, from trusting in Him to move and work, vindicate and propel forward.
Let’s keep one hand on our Bibles and the other reaching out toward each other. Because the other thing happening in the Body right now is reconciliation. Understanding, discussion, healing & powerful prayer. It is dignified work, friends.
Let’s allow the prayer of the One Who set this dignified work in motion be answered through us.