Nehemiah 1:3
Last time we looked in on the arrival of Nehemiah’s brothers coming from Judah. Nehemiah questions how the exiles in Jerusalem are and the state of the City.
The report is not good. The people are cherpah – a source of disgrace, scorn and shame. The wall is broken down – parats. Breached, dispersed. Not there. And the city gates? Yatsath – set aflame, burned.
There is a possibility the brothers from Judah are simply referring to the destruction King Neb wreaked way back during the Babylonian invasion. However, most scholars think it is referring to a different, much more recent incident when the exiles decided to begin work on rebuilding the walls.
Either way, the city is defenseless against enemies, the people feel disgraced, and there is no work being done to repair the damage.
How grateful are you that our God does not leave us here? He has done all the work to repair all the damage, starting with Christmas.
He takes away shame. He gathers His lambs in His arms; they will not be dispersed. He takes the ashes in our lives and redeems them for beauty and praise and purpose. He gives us work for our hands – work that brings dignity and restoration to our lives for the sake of others.
And He can set our hearts aflame for Him, His Word, and His glory.
Make it true of Your people this Christmas, LORD.