Nehemiah 3:14 NLT
Seems we can’t get away from the Dung Gate. Last time we zeroed in on the men who built a large portion of the wall right up to it. Today we see the man responsible for the gate itself.
It is Malkijah, whose name means “my king is Yah.” I’m so grateful that someone whose very name proclaims the Most High as King took on the task of setting up a gate whose main purpose is to take excrement out of the city. Sure, a gate’s a gate, but Malkijah’s gate was named after dung. Refuse.
Not only that, but this man was a ruler of a district called Beth-hakkerem, which means “house of the vineyard”. An important man in an area between Tekoa and Jerusalem, said to command one of the most beautiful views over the Dead Sea.
Have you ever been used to privilege or beauty, only to be put in charge of something seemingly less glamorous? Something that deals with your own and others’ less appealing issues?
So has He. He left all beauty and majesty and power to walk among us. To deal with our hideously unattractive sin issues. To relate to the need for a sewer, a nap, a peace treaty, aid relief.
He is not remote, never dispassionate about His creation. And He is completely willing to deal with those areas we keep from others – and sometimes from ourselves. He made Himself nothing, taking on the very nature of a servant. And we whom He crowns with righteousness get the privilege of serving others with His love.
Let’s see such loving as the beauty and privilege it is.