But even now, years later, I can recall how it made me feel when he sat down at his computer and typed his reflections at the end of an episode. Something about watching him wrap up the lessons he was learning in a poetic way intrigued me.
When I headed to college, I was planning to be an English teacher. Words are very important to me and I had wonderful teachers invest in me. So why not put them together for a career?
I remember watching in rapt fascination as a professor talked about literature and poetry as if it were gold. He would get choked up describing meter and symbolism and how the written word was a form of art.
I agreed.
But nothing, nothing, has ever moved me like His Word.
I talked with a friend yesterday. She is mentoring a younger girl and together they are working on memorizing Scripture. She had put a fairly long section to memory and was so excited to have it hidden in her heart.
Know how she did it?
One or two verses written on a notecard, kept in her car. Every time she drives anywhere she works on it. Reading at stoplights and reciting as she drives.
No one will ever be able to take that away from her.
This world can be confusing and harsh and the fact that this isn’t heaven is proven daily.
But when we read His Word…
Everything comes into focus. We experience that all Scripture is God-breathed and alive. Our thoughts are replaced with His, which are infinitely higher.
And we are literally being transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Words are powerful.
His Words are all-powerful.
Ever thought about Scripture memory? I’m not naturally good at details: any practical tips to share?