Nehemiah 3:17-18 NLT
Last time we looked at the Hebrew used to describe rebuilding the Fountain Gate and a section of the wall. The words referred to descending, like our Savior did – and climbing to the heights. Today we see no gates mentioned, just groups of people throwing in to rebuild the wall and secure the City of God.
Both leaders of the city of Keilah are mentioned in this passage: Hashabiah and Binnui. Each oversees half the city, which is most likely modern-day Kila, about 12 miles south of Jerusalem. They are listed separate but are men of the same district.
The word used is ach meaning brother or countryman. In fact, the single Hebrew word used for the phrase “next down the line” is yad – hand. We have seen it used for Yahweh’s powerful sustaining alongside His people. Here we see it describe the helping hand, allegiance, and assistance these fellow citizens offered each other and the rebuilding effort.
Yes, yes. Citizens lending a helping hand to one another. Thinking of others’ interests rather than only their own. Sounds a lot like what our nation could use a hefty dose of. But especially what we citizens of another Kingdom are empowered to do.
Friends, this is the time to offer a helping hand to others. Especially if there seems to be a difference among us. Because, in this nation, we are all countrymen. We belong to one another. And how much more is this true among we who trust in Jesus alone for our righteousness?
Our differences can challenge us to run to Him, but may they never be an excuse to not serve each other. Especially in the public square, with the eyes of those looking for some hope watching our interactions. Only His Kingdom is unshakable.
Let’s be part of the reason others are drawn to be a citizen.