Top Ten Yard Sale Treasure Categories:
1. Health Care/Beauty Products – It may sound weird, but I’ve found some great, high quality products at sales. Some I’ve gotten half-used, but that bothers me zero.
2. Books – I may be only one of a handful of people who still buy paper books. Love Little Golden classics, collection/series, copies of books you love to pass on to others, even used Bible Studies. (Though I would be way intimidated to sell one of my used studies knowing others would read my answers. Yeesh.)
3. Kid stuff – Obviously toys, books, games, clothes. But also soccer cleats, karate uniforms, Halloween costumes/dress up clothes, baseball caps, swimwear and goggles, hats and gloves. And then there’s all manner of baby stuff: cloth diapers, sippy cups, umbrella strollers. Of course it’s always good to keep your yard-sale-loving friends up on what all of you are needing and keep eyes out for each other.
4. Appliances – Once I got a Kitchen Aid grain mill attachment for $5! Also our coffee grinder, which is still going strong 3 years later. We got our deep freezer for $10. It was a bit rusty, but cleaned up easily and is still trucking. People sell good bread machines and some even lose their minds and sell their stoneware.
5. Home Decor – seasonal decorations, vintage items, picture frames, maps/globes. I know people who search for vintage suitcases & bed sheets.
6. Craft supplies – acrylic paint and watercolors, scrapbooking letters and paper, spray paint
7. Furniture – I love the idea of finding a random coffee table and fixing it up to match your style. I’m planning to try this method on an extra bedside table soon!
8. Athletic stuff – baseballs & soccer balls, fitness DVDs, yard games
9. Adult clothes and accessories – including jewelry, shoes, purses
10. Gift Stuff – Gift bags, gift cards, kid Birthday party invitations and party theme stuff
One caveat: We are as consistent in getting rid of stuff as we are bringing in stuff – even good deals. It seems to me that part is just as important to avoid any sort of hoarding or clutter.
Do you love a good Yard Sale? What’s on your list? I love to hear others’ treasure finds!