And a proclamation was made throughout Judah and Jerusalem to all the returned exiles that they should assemble at Jerusalem, and that if anyone did not come within three days, by order of the officials and the elders all his property should be forfeited, and he himself banned from the congregation of the exiles.
Ezra 10:6-8 ESV
Ezra has agreed to cut a covenant with the leaders that they should all divorce their pagan wives. Ezra’s next step? Go to a friend’s house and continue fasting and mourning. The Hebrew uses that word al again – hover over. Ezra’s grief was hovering over him because of the exiles’ unfaithfulness.
Then the leaders set out to execute the covenant made – all exiles were to gather at Jerusalem from wherever they had made a home. They had 3 days to return. Otherwise their property – rekush – any possessions, equipment, herds, and wealth would be forfeited and that person would be badal – separated and excluded – from the assembly.
We have explored why Ezra and the leaders chose this course of action. God’s holiness is not something to play around with. And the truth is, we don’t want a god we can manipulate. If we’re going to bow down our entire beings – heart, soul, mind, and strength – we want that Someone to be worthy. And He is.
Oh, but aren’t you glad that Someone took on those torturous 3 days for us? That He gave up all His heavenly possessions and rights to walk among us and carry our sorrows? That He was separated from community with the Father so we don’t have to be?
And that because of what He did on the cross, we don’t have to put each other on it?
Friends, we are so condemning of one another. I say “we” for a reason. I can be the slowest learner, reap consequences, and then condemn others for the very same thing. I lose my mind.
Or I lose my heart. Perhaps that’s it. My heart is a little less tender if I’m doing well. Not struggling as much. Can’t see why others don’t see things my way or get their act together.
But have you ever been down? Condemned by others or your own thoughts? Then someone comes along and offers grace? All I have to do is remember the times I really blew it and someone gave me a cup of cool water in Jesus’ name. Reminded me it’s about what He has done not what I have. Helped me fix my eyes back on Him.
Let’s hold God’s eternal, flawless Word tightly – with tender, humble hearts. None of us deserve communion with the Most High or each other.
But because He does we can partake with humble gratitude.