Nehemiah 4:15 NCV
Last time we looked at Nehemiah’s strategy to put courage into his rebuilders: to remember Adonai and overcome attacks. Today we see the result: the enemies of God’s plan realizing He had thwarted theirs.
I appreciate God’s timing. As I type this, it is New Year’s Eve day. A time to think through plans and strategies and one last hurrah. A time to be intentional in how to love others and let go of plans that God would want ruined (parar – disappoint, cast off, fail, frustrate).
And most definitely a time to get back to work – melakah. In the Hebrew this word for work can mean many things: an article made, a business, cattle, craftsmanship, labor, project, property, service, supplies, workmanship. We’ve talked about work before. There is so much to build and rebuild in our day.
Oh me? I’m glad you asked my plans. I have things such as loving my dear, dear family and friends. Eating like a nearly-40-something rather than a teenage boy. Writing until it becomes a joy again. Renewing my zeal for learning in classes. Loving Pre-K kiddos and new coworkers. Basically living and loving with intention.
How about you? Are you crafting something or herding cattle? Laboring with your hands or leading with your heart? Using property to serve others with fair pricing? Starting a business or working hard at another’s? Taking on projects or serving your neighbor?
Whatever we do this year, may it flow from our union with Him. We ourselves cannot. But in Him, it is possible. All of it. Birthed from our abiding, drenching others in His Spirit. Back to building, friends, each to our own work.
Blessings in 2018.