‘How long will your journey take, and when will you get back?’
It pleased the king to send me; so I set a time”
Nehemiah 2:6
Last time we got a glimpse into Nehemiah’s request: both the fear and the faith. Today we get to see the king’s answer.
“The king, right next to the queen, asked, ‘How long will it take for your journey to come to pass? When will you turn back to us?’
It seemed acceptable before the face of the king to freely release me. So I set an appointed time.”
We can breathe a collective sigh of relief. Nehemiah’s request was acceptable before the king. The months of wondering and praying for the brothers and sisters in his home city came to positive fruition.
How about us? Is there a journey He is taking you on? I appreciate that when Nehemiah said he set a time, the Hebrew means “appointed time.” As in, Nehemiah might have spoken some dates, but God had already appointed the time.
We can trust His timing, friends. After all, He knew just when the timing was right to send the Ultimate Leader to us – to lead us to His heart.