I have a new office.
I am an interesting kind of extrovert. I need a lot of alone time. I need to process. But, often, I don’t want to do that totally alone.
I like having people nearby on which to bounce things off.
I like to know that if I have a question, I can ask.
Kind of like independent work in classes at school. Teacher and friends are right there if you need someone, but you are expected to stay focused on your work.
So I have a new office. I’m going to bring my laptop to the gym one or two weekday mornings for an hour or so before I teach a class and sit with the Coffee Guys/Gals. Except they are now the iPad Guys/Gals. It’s hilarious. They all get on their iPads and share things they’re into, learning or laughing at.
Just like group work in school, come to think of it.
I asked if I can sit at the table next to them. To type a little, talk a little. To ask and really hear their stories. A few of them are from different countries. Others are from America but have lived elsewhere. Some are right here, born and raised in Wichita, and could give me quite the history lesson on the city.
All of them have stories.
Wanna know what their response was?
Enthusiastic, of course.
Who doesn’t want to be asked about their life? Their story? The lessons they would pass on to others if those others wanted to know?
So I wanted to let you know they will be appearing here often. I told them I would change their names. And maybe some details if the real ones are too boring. Just kidding. No one’s life is boring. We have much too creative of a Father for that to happen.
I hope you’ll join me in some curiosity.
I think they’re fabulous.