I hope you don’t mind a poor-quality photo stroll down memory lane.
First real interaction (flirtation): He came over to my roommate’s and my apartment with a bunch of other people and let me paint his toenails. I cannot remember why.
We started dating (well, over a year after the above picture – we’re slow movers). I got to see his childlike side that his student teaching kids adored.
First 80’s party together (the bug? I seriously have no idea. Also, Dan was supposed to be the teenage brother from The Goonies.)
He proposed to me. I said yes because he’s cute. If it all seems fast in a blog post, do not be fooled. It was after much relational work.
Then we decided to go overseas together for an entire summer. Maybe not our best plan as we were scheduled to get married a few weeks after our plane landed back in America. At least we had seen the best and worst of each other before the wedding. Here he is reenacting an American proposal for our English class.
He sang to me. He sang. Just a couple of kids who vowed to forever and keep vowing every day.
Second 80’s party. Courtesy of fun Lincoln friends.
We had ourselves a sweet addition
Another sweet addition
Last night.
These pictures are just a small record of our marriage. There have been many, many ups and downs. I just want you to know if you’re reading this and your marriage is struggling, there is hope. He is Hope.
When I look back on these 13 years, I do not see only sweet and fun. But I do see Him. He is tenacious in making us more like His Son. And often that has included struggles between us.
But the thing about struggles is you cannot rely on your own strength. Sometimes all your best answers and techniques fail. And the only thing left is to cry out to the One Who can change hearts.
He’s been changing both of ours.
We are not who we were 13 years ago, standing at that altar. We are so much better. Because He’s walked us through the valleys, shared our joy on the mountaintops, and used it all to soften our hearts.
If you ever wonder if God is for your marriage, the answer is yes. He is not for dysfunction or abuse, so don’t hear that if you’re reading this and in a situation that requires intervention. Get help.
But He is for your marriage. It was His idea.
When Paul talks about two becoming one, He says it’s a mystery because He is talking about Christ and the Church. The way a man and woman leave home and cling to one another as an entirely new unit is the best earthly example of how Jesus left Home and came to make His People one with Him.
It is sacred. And it is worth fighting for.
Daniel, thank you for fighting with me and for me.
And Happy Anniversary, my man. I’m…still…”so glad it was you.”
80’s party, anyone?